Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Awesome Giveaway Opportunity!!

Hey guys!!

So I was cruising the blogs that I regularly look at and noticed that one of them had a cool giveaway. I entered and thought that was that!

Then I got an email about the giveaway and noticed that they were looking for blogs to help them as well. So I looked into it, chose a polish for myself to contribute and now here's the blog post about it :).

So the polish I chose was OPI's Lincoln Park After Dark. 

I love this polish, it is a perfect Fall colour! 

My mani that needs a bit of work ;).
This giveaway is super awesome. It's through! They are giving away up to 200 nail polishes!! That's amazing!

So if you'd like to enter through my blog, here is the Rafflecopter giveaway link :).

I really hope you all enter and enjoy!!


Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Body Confidence Song :)

Happy Tuesday!!

So yesterday I was browsing my Facebook feed when I stumbled upon an Edmonton radio station talking about a new single that had just been released. 

It was by a female singer named Meghan Trainor, I'd never heard of her before so I was intrigued what her sound was. 

The single was called "All About That Bass" and the link led me to the music video. 

The song starts with a very 50's style beat and a close-up of Meghan. A few seconds into the video you get a glimpse of a full figured guy shaking his booty (loves it). 

As I listened to the lyrics I started to realize what this song was about: BODY CONFIDENCE! 

Meghan shares that she's not a size 2 and her mama taught her that she's beautiful 'from the bottom to the top'. 

I freakin' love the message of this song!! Makes me want to shake my fanny lol.

It's very catchy but for a lyric junkie like me, I was hooked!!

I want to expose all the women in my life to this song and for them to understand it and take it to heart like I did. It's just so empowering!! 

I really hope you guys take a listen and genuinely listen to the lyrics and apply them to your own lives, because I know that I will. 

Listen to the song...listen to it ;).


Monday, July 28, 2014

Back to Blogging

Hey Guys!!

Well it's Monday and I've gotten inspired to start blogging once again! 

Yay :).

So this is the first summer since I was 16 that I haven't worked (started my job in Forestry when I was 17!) and I'm really enjoying it...not really knowing what to do with it, but enjoying it nonetheless!

I've gone camping, saw Wicked again (was awesome the second time), and spent a bucketload of time with my family, which will hopefully tide them over when I go away for a while back to work! 

This blog post isn't gonna be too informational or teach you anything unless it teaches you to revel in the moment, live for the day and just surrender yourself to whatever is in front of you at the moment. 

I actually got a fishing licence! I actually chose to go on a quad ride! I actually really wanted to chat to older relatives! I've had a lot of experiences this summer but it's because I've allowed myself to experience them! 

I'm really trying to say YES to a lot more. I really want to go the whole month of August saying yes to opportunities..if they are in the budget..but that's a whole other blog post! ;). 

So anywho, I'll sign off now but I do want you guys to try new things! 

Cuz you never know when you'll find your happy! 

That's my main for YOU to find YOUR happy! 

See ya later!


P.S. - The text kinda looks like a heart <3.
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