Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!!
Now that I've gotten a chance to sit down and process the holidays I feel like a blog post is in order!!
This holiday season has been interesting. I always get semi emotional around the holidays because I see all of the blessings in my life and question whether I am worthy of them or not.
I was quiet, closed off and a bit stand offish for the start but checked my attitude and resolved to just be ok with what I was presented with and try not to take too many things to heart.
It's hard...
When half of my year was set up to think I was selfish and unworthy, it's hard to feel like I deserve things from people.
But I do, because of what I give back.
I had a great holidays after this realization and will try to carry this attitude forward into 2016.
It's hard everyday to feel ok with taking things from people.
As a natural giver, it's hard to just take with nothing to give back or cushion the blow. But that's ok.
So here I go into my next year. Big heart, big hugs and big dreams.
I hope you had a great holiday season as well and can't wait to see what is next!!